Oregons Bounty

Rogue River Myrtlewood

Myrtlewood (Umbellularia Califonica), a member of the laurel family is America's most beautiful hardwood. Rarest of all woods, the Myrtlewood tree is found only in a limited area along the Southern Oregon / Northern California coastlines . The symetrical, broadleaf evergreen is peculiar from other evergreens due to its tiny white blossoms that appear annually. The coloring of the wood is unique varying from a sedate, satiny gray to riotous multi-colored grains of red, yellow, and brown with many burls and shapes in its grain. The grain is so interwoven that no distinct growth rings can be seen. The leaves give off a pungent, spicy odor that is strong - proof that it is myrtle. It takes a century or more for the Myrtle to grow to commercial size.
Products made from myrtlewood are often brilliantly colored with a rich, vibrant grain pattern - and are always unique.

You'll find only handcrafted products at the Rogue RIver Myrtlewood Shop. True craftsmanship is valued above all here on the Southern Oregon Coast, and if you don't see us hand-turning your myrtlewood bowl, you might find us sanding or finishing a platter or even producing one of our special lighthouses.